Can I upload my own PDF’s?
The short answer is that our current live version only supports plain text documents/agreements. Which means you would need to copy and paste your current agreement that is a pdf using our contract creation tool... [...]
The short answer is that our current live version only supports plain text documents/agreements. Which means you would need to copy and paste your current agreement that is a pdf using our contract creation tool... [...]
Our plugin does not store signed documents on an ftp server. Security is a HUGE concern of ours too. The signatures, custom input fields, document data and audit trail events are all encrypted and stored [...]
We understand your concern for security. Our plugin is the first UETA/ESIGN compliant document signing WordPress plugin. If you're an avid reader and would love to learn more about the security of our plugin here's [...]
With our Upload Logo and Branding feature (business licenses only) you can add your mark to the Signer Invite Emails with a logo, tagline, and custom paragraph about your company in the footer of the email. Upload Logo [...]
Most definitely not. You can create, send, track and capture signatures on contracts without any coding experience. Our plugin is the most user-friendly WordPress E Signature and contract generation plugin in the market.
No. Our plugin is a WordPress Online Contract and Document Signing Plugin, so it will NOT work on sites that are not using WordPress. Also, our E-signature plugin is not compatible with the platform. [...]
Our E-signature plugin is a self-hosted application that runs as a WordPress plugin. In order to use our plugin, you must have a self-hosted WordPress website. That's pretty much it.
Our E-signature plugin is perfect for small business owners, designers, freelancers, photographers and basically anyone who's tired of sending their customers to a third party website to sign their documents. If you want to get documents [...]