With our Upload Logo and Branding feature (business licenses only) you can add your mark to the Signer Invite Emails with a logo, tagline, and custom paragraph about your company in the footer of the email. Upload Logo & Branding also gives you the ability to add a cover page (with your logo) to your signed documents and to add a logo on the document page itself.
There will however, still be a minimal amount of ApproveMe branding in WP E-Signature. It’s a delicate juggle because our goal is to build a UETA/ESIGN compliant platform that is recognized and trusted in the courtroom (much like docusign, hellosign, etc) so there needs to be a minimal amount of indication to a signer (and a judge) that a document was signed on our compliant platform… yet there needs to be enough customization that your brand/company is more front and center than the platform branding itself. The only ApproveMe related image on a document page is the ‘verified seal’ and the only notification on the PDF is in the footer.